Apparent Surround Active: 100g/L Bifenthrin ApparentSprayerNOV



Apparent Surround controls a wide variety of pests in various situations as specified in the Directions for Use Table. Surround provides control against pest & insects including Spiders, Cockroaches, Fleas, Ants (excluding red imported fire ants), Flies, Mosquitoes, Papernest Wasps & Ticks (excluding the paralysis tick Ixodes holocyclus) (Adult & Nymphs). On turf & lawns Surround controls Lawn Armyworm, Argentine Stem Weevil, Billbugs, Black or Black House Ant, Coastal Brown Ant, Funnel Ant, , Meat Ant, Sod Webworm, Stinging Ant & Sugar Ants. Apparent Surround is registered for use in protection & control of Subterranean Termites in domestic, public, commercial & industrial areas ? including pre & post construction, reticulation & protection of poles & fence posts. Product Type: Termiticide Mode of Action: Group 3A Insecticide Active Ingredient: 100 g/L Bifenthrin Formulation: Suspension Concentrate (SC)